A Must Read Before Applying for a Mortgage - learn how to position yourself to qualify for your home!
Gain critical insight into what mortgage lenders use to approve AND determine how much home you can afford
If you are serious about getting a mortgage - READ THIS FIRST
Below are a few key points you will learn by reading Mortgage Truths:
The Government database used in the mortgage approval process can sometimes provide more important info about you than your credit report.
The Ratio that you need to understand and get control of to qualify for the amount of home you want AND It is NOT Debt to Income Ratio.
The 4 C's to qualifying for a mortgage. One of them is more critical than your Credit.
How student loans play a part in your approval process and approval amount.
How self reported credit report accounts can backfire when applying for a mortage.
The self-employment income reporting strategy that can be a red flag for the IRS and your mortgage application and what to do instead.
Already know all you need to know to get your mortgage approved. Apply today using the QR Code Below:
Alisha Cooper Wells
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